To the Location Independent Entrepreneur Who Deserves the BEST Tax Plan:
Great Tax Strategies Aren’t Simply Bought From A Website... They Are DESIGNED! step at a time!
There are 4 Fundamental Pillars every Tax Strategy needs if you actually want to Lower Your Taxes Legally!
Read on to see how you too can take the confusion & stress out of your tax obligations, & discover the best plan to set yourself, & your business up in a tax-friendly country!
With Results Like These:
“I now feel confident that I'm compliant AND smart about my taxes."
"After running in circles for a year, I finally know which strategy to adopt to pay less taxes."
“I didn't know ANYTHING about the topic but now I feel super educated!”
It's No Wonder Our Clients Are RAVING About Our Unique Blueprint to Reducing Their Taxes!
From: the Desk of Kathleen Di Paolo, International Tax Expert
Paying Way Too Much Tax Kinda Sucks. Especially if you've left your home country, (& still paying tax there) and you don't know where to set up your business, your new tax residency, and bank accounts, right?!
And if you're like most Online Entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads I work with, you want to legally pay less taxes...
...and ultimately have more money to invest back into your business!
Well, the reality is this:
Whether you're at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey or you're already hitting consistent 6 figures...
Think about it! You don’t just make a lot of money and then go buy an offshore company to hide your money, do you?
NO! Of course not!
A ready-made structure from a website that has no clue about your individual circumstances won't automatically lower your taxes.
So, if you’re doing this:

Those Quick-Buy Offshore Companies That Don't Work! 🤮
(Simply buying an Offshore Company hoping that it will magically lower your taxes ) then...
I mean... has it worked so far? If you’re like most who come to start working with me, it’s very likely a “no.”
But this is all ok! Because when you think you're not being compliant, sometimes it’s as simple as understanding your tax obligations.
And you will start lowering your taxes legally, and spend more time enjoying your location-independent lifestyle through...
a properly designed global tax strategy!
- Helps you prepare for the expansion of your global business!
- Prevents non-compliance by eliminating the strategies that don't actually work with your circumstances!
- Helps you understand your optimal strategy in terms of incorporation, tax residency, and bank accounts.
- Creates a step-by-step process of how to pay less taxes in a country that aligns with your work and personal lifestyle!
- And... it does all of this FOR YOU without having to waste hours doing the research yourself!
And when you look around at all the successful entrepreneurs and online business owners you currently follow and look up to...
They ALL have built their tax strategy that supports their business growth and lifestyle in a way that people say:

And if your current tax strategy doesn't feel like this, then obviously... it isn't benefiting you.
When Online Entrepreneurs have no clue how to minimize their taxes, they simply copy someone else's business structure thinking this will work for them too.
If you're doing this, you risk a broken structure that will only cost you more in the long run.
And you already know that a broken structure does NOT lower your taxes.
Or worse! Mistake #2...
When they don’t know which structure they need, they just use the one that is the most simple (eg. sole proprietorship) for far too long and end up paying more tax than they need to.
That’s like trying to fill a bottomless piggy bank!

Throwing money at the PROBLEM doesn’t work! Other Online Entrepreneurs recognize that they need professional help, so they go out and hire a pricey accountant, or worse, a tax lawyer that is only familiar with national rules in hopes to 'fix it.'
But the reality is, throwing money at the problem doesn’t make it go away! Not to mention that an international tax lawyer who is actually GOOD at what they do ain’t cheap!
Don’t you think paying someone $1,000/hour to create that “perfect” tax strategy is just a little too good to be true?
In fact, until you FACE the tax problem you and your business have head-on, that problem is never going to go away.
And after having helped hundreds of Online Entrepreneurs and Digital Nomads design their tax strategy, it's as clear and simple as this:
You Aren’t an Entrepreneur to keep the tax office in Business...
You're in Business to create your own Global Wealth!
Your business NEEDS a proper tax plan. Your international lifestyle DESERVES a solid structure!
How else do you expect to legally lower your taxes if you aren't presented with a blueprint and different scenarios to suit your current situation?!
But when you keep “outsourcing” this important skill, you'll simply never LEARN this important financial education that forms part of being a successful entrepreneur.
So, what happens when an accountant delivers garbage? Heck! How do you know their tax savings are maximized?
What happens when instead your tax bill keeps growing?
Or they have no idea how to file your taxes when you no longer live there?
What then? It’s back to square one... minus the $1000/hour.
But when you LEARN and MASTER the skills of how to design a tax strategy, you take that skill with you wherever you go!
We were never taught any of this, and you're probably thinking...

Well... you’re right! MOST people never learn about taxes. But has there ever been a time where YOU wondered how the rich and the tech giants pay next to no taxes?
Of course! Chances are, you may have even googled it before, right?
You got curious, but then pushed it aside thinking 'these strategies are only for the wealthiest out there. Maybe someday...'
Heck! What if I told you entrepreneurs can access tax benefits large companies can only dream of?!
So, does someone NEED to earn 7-figures to have a tax strategy? NO!
Would a successful entrepreneur bother to learn how to save on one of their biggest expenses - TAXES?
5 FACTS That PROVE That Tax Strategies are real and legal!
The IRS issued 111.8M refunds in 2019, with taxpayers receiving an average payment of $2,869. (CBPP)
European countries have their own tax-havens. Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Andorra, Gibraltar, Guernsey, and Puerto Rico for the USA. (Investopedia)
45% of Americans believe their taxes are too high. The top effective income tax rate is more than 40% including consumption tax, payroll tax & social contributions. But most countries take even more. (Tax Foundation)
There are 23 countries without income taxes. Six are oil & gas-rich and others derive their revenue from tourism, financial services, and the fishing industry. (Globalizationguide)
Countries design tax exemptions for foreigners in exchange for an investment (e.g. Italy, Greece). (Business Insider)
So what’s more important?
...that you set up a well-thought-through tax
strategy that's going to save you thousands...
OR that you set up a random, tax-sucking structure that doesn't serve your lifestyle nor your business growth?
You want LESS taxes, not more, right?
The reality is, a well thought-through strategy is about including EVERY SINGLE RELEVANT tax obligation and different scenarios that ALL entrepreneurs may need to make their decision. Leaving something out means leaving money on the table!
So, now that you see just how vital the right tax strategy is to your business, you may begin to feel the slightly daunting and intimidating task of actually understanding it...
If you’re like most who have read this far, you’re starting to see the possibility of a Smart Tax Strategy and what it will do to catapult the growth of your business... but you’re probably imagining yourself staring at a tax structure while you ask yourself,
“How the heck am I supposed to understand any of this?!”
Where do I even start? How do I even learn it? And how do I make sure I’m staying compliant without feeling overwhelmed?!
It can be so daunting and intimidating that you avoid it looking for other ways to stay busy and distracted in your business. And I get it.
But here's a little 'Insider Secret' for ya:
You see, there is a RECIPE to tax strategies. And this recipe consists of 4 Ingredients... or 4 FUNDAMENTAL PILLARS. And if you’re missing even just one pillar, you run the risk of getting it all wrong.
So, just like a classic riddle:
“How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a time”
We can ask a similar question:
There is also a specific ORDER to each of those pillars. PLUS... each pillar must be created the right way!
So, what if you had a set of step-by-step instructions for each of those pillars?
Imagine if you could follow these steps with clarity and simplicity... EVEN if you’ve never dealt with taxes before in your life!
No more confusion!
No more wasting time or money!
No more wondering if you've fulfilled all requirements!
Imagine for just a moment...
...that you had a step-by-step process for building out EACH of your essential 4 Fundamental Pillars...
...imagine you could create as little as 1 pillar a day...
...You would have a completed tax strategy CREATED in just 5 days from RIGHT NOW!
And you already know once it’s done... it’s done! You’d never have to do it again!
In fact, my clients use the exact same tax strategy while their life circumstances might change!
Isn’t it great to build something once and get it to work for you for years?!
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because... it’s here.

The Simple Step-By-Step Online Course for Designing Your Smart Tax Strategy
- Detailed Video Training that guides you through the process of building the 4 Fundamental Pillars needed for a complete and Smart Tax Strategy!
- Different Scenarios and Common Options for Easy Tax Strategy Set-Ups that take the confusion and stress out of compliance risks.
- Steal Our Complete Blueprint for not just setting up, but also DESIGNING your ideal solution once and for all.
- Tax Strategy Examples that are Proven To Work so you have guidance and inspiration throughout the entire process!
...because you, your business, and your future deserve the best!
It’s time to give your tax strategy (and your bank account!) the high-achieving makeover it deserves! Just like it’s done for our past clients:

Author at Boss Babe
“Kathleen has been an OUTSTANDING support to make the best decision for my individual situation and I felt confident in taking action on it. This has saved me SO MUCH headache and eased my anxiety around the whole topic. Everything that was unclear for my 'tax-newbie'-mind got answered. I feel super educated now and know exactly what the pro's and con's of different options are. I would have never had the courage to follow through with my plans and now feel freer than ever.
"Kathleen helped me build a highly comprehensive international strategy"
”Kathleen is the best at what she does. She helped me build a highly comprehensive international strategy for me personally and for my business. She's extremely helpful, concise, and knowledgeable. She's unbiased and combs through the details like no one else. She's a true gem and I cannot recommend her enough. Thanks for everything.”
ALEX MONÉTON, Global Investor

“You can totally trust Kathleen because she really knows her stuff. I've been running around in circles for a year about where to set up my business, which strategy to adopt to pay less taxes and talking to her solved it all. Her course gave me SO much clarity and understanding on how it all works - and trust me - I was a real newbie at this. It's super well explained with no blabla and just facts based on her own experience working with clients and studies”.
MELANIE DUPRÉ, Funnel Expert
Each pillar of Global Tax Strategy Design is laid out in order to walk you through the four fundamental steps of designing a tax strategy for you and your business: Follow it! Design it! Set it up!
You will follow short videos and exercises designed to take the thinking and heavy lifting out of putting together your best tax strategy yet! Plus, you’ll get detailed, common scenarios and tax strategy examples to make creating your tax strategy SIMPLE and FUN!

“Seriously, if you're here, DO NOT look any further. Kathleen will help you in ways you never deemed possible! Financial mastery is so incredibly important and EMPOWERING, but this valuable knowledge is not taught anywhere! This blueprint will help you navigate seamlessly through daunting paths and show you strategies you never knew existed! ”
Global Citizen & Serial Entrepreneur
"It's a huge topic and somehow you've managed to really break it down and make it comprehensible for everyone out there. So, I wish you would have done this years sooner for everyone to benefit from."
Antonia Scholz, Remote Customer Service Manager at Shaktimat
SEE what's waiting for you inside once you sign up…
Detailed video training and step-by-step guides for putting together the 4 Fundamental Pillars of your Global Tax Strategy!

Module 1:
Building Your Tax Strategy
The 4 Fundamental Pillars of a Smart Tax Strategy
Every great recipe is made up of a list of ingredients... take a cake for example! Forget even one ingredient (like the sugar) and the cake is ruined! That’s how the tax strategy for you and your business works!
Inside Global Tax Strategy Design, you won’t just get a list of the 4 ingredients required to cook up an optimized tax strategy. You’ll get step-by-step training walking you through exactly how to NAIL each pillar without having to take 10 tax courses!
Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to build your tax strategy when you can simply follow the step-by-step guides and proven examples for each section!
The 4 “Ingredients” of Money-Saving Tax Strategies:
Below is a Sneak-Peak at ALL 4 Required Pillars That You’ll Create inside Global Tax Strategy Design:
You’re not just getting the “recipe,” I’m giving you everything You need to build, Design, Understand & Set up Your Tax Strategy TOO!

Module 2:
Uncovering Tax Fundamentals
How the Pro's Save Taxes!
Get inside my brain! When you’ve been building hundreds of tax strategies and corporate structures for entrepreneurs in numerous industries, how much will it help to get inside my brain and see exactly how I approach a set up and why it’s so different than most?! In this section...
I’ll Reveal the Invisible Elements Beneath the Surface That Creates Powerful Tax Strategies!

you'll discover...
Including: what I look for, what questions to ask, and how to know you have a great tax-saving opportunity in front of you before you even start! - HOW VITAL YOUR
current situation and future plans are to actually minimize your taxes! - THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT
"OFFSHORE SOLUTIONS" and how to accurately stay compliant. - THE ART OF DESIGNING TAX STRATEGIES
to optimize your unique circumstances and build a solid structure... even if you’re like me and keep moving from country to country.

Module 3:
Tax Strategy For The Tax Newbie
"It’s not just enough to design a Thousand Dollar Tax-Saving Strategy... it’s gotta tick all the requirements too, right?!"
Today, tax havens and offshore companies on a Caribbean island will quickly raise flags with not only tax offices but also with your clients.
Think about it! What's your first impression about a business that is incorporated in the Cayman Islands or the British Virgin Islands?
So, 80s? Outdated? Amateur? Fake?
Is that how you want people to think about you and your business? Of course not!
So how do you create reputable, professional-looking, effective tax strategies without breaking the bank with an overpriced offshore provider?!
Inside Global Tax Strategy Design, I walk you through...
- Simple-to-follow tax strategy elements anyone can learn to “spruce up” their compliance.
- How and where to hire reliable accountants for online businesses!
- Plus! Get exclusive access to our past client's designed tax strategies for more inspiration and guidance!

Module 4:
How To Execute & Operate Your Tax Strategy
The last thing you need is the “World’s Greatest Tax Strategy” sitting on your desktop collecting dust. Until it gets executed and operational, it won’t ever do anything to help you minimize your taxes!
That’s Why I’ve Included an Entire Step-by-step Tax Strategy PROCESS for Executing and Operating Your Strategy Without a Fancy Compliance Team or Accounting Skills!
If you can follow directions, you can execute your tax strategy and run it efficiently while saving thousands in taxes!

“This is Great Kathleen!
...But What IF I'm still at the beginning of my journey as an entrepreneur?!”
This is about the time where you might be saying, “Ya Kathy, but I don’t even have a thriving business. Shouldn’t I focus on that first?" NO.
Why Creating Your 6-figure Business BEFORE You Create a Tax Strategy is BACKWARDS!
Most entrepreneur newbies put their heart and soul for months, if not years, to create a successful business that will give them freedom. THEN... at the end of the tax year, they realize that they owe the taxman almost half of what they've made. Sound familiar?
...but how do you even know how much money you're going to owe to the taxman?!
(that’s a lot of speculation, and uncertainty that I wouldn’t risk wasting time on, would you?)
When you create your tax strategy first, it’s focused on matching your future vision and desire to grow your business... what you already want!
...and then you create the tax strategy that matches that!
Every successful entrepreneur I’ve known always makes sure to build a solid tax strategy at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey so they can shift their focus on the business. If not, it's going to be a battle to constantly juggle the growth of your business while back paying the taxman.
"Wait, Kathy! are you saying this training doesn't just help create a better Tax Strategy... helps create a secure foundation for my business growth, too?!"
Yes. That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. 😎
“There were many times where I was reviewing your course and thought ‘Oh, I didn’t know that was possible, I didn’t know that was an option’. That was really refreshing and gave me new appreciation.”
Andrew Murdoch, Founder Digital Nomad Journey
And Check out This Review!

“Kathleen is incredibly knowledgeable and has supported us to develop an international tax strategy for our business that leverages our individual lifestyles and preferences. We felt very supported every step of the way and recommend this to any digital nomad / location-independent entrepreneurs who want to feel confident they are being compliant AND smart about their taxes.”
Leadership Coach
"This alone IS worth well over $14,000!"

My 1:1 VIP clients pay me over $12,000 to design their global tax strategies. I also have a 2-month-long waitlist. BUT here’s the best part, you don’t have to pay $12,000 to get what they got! You also don't have to wait 2 months to get access to my knowledge.
When You Enroll in Global Tax Strategy Design, You’re Getting The Culmination of 5 Years of Tax Experience With Clients in Various Industries and from all around the world!
These same clients all know that setting up the right tax strategy can be the difference that saves them THOUSANDS!
And whether you are a tax newbie or a serial entrepreneur, then chances are you can already see what a BETTER tax strategy will do for you, right?!
And let’s not just look at your next 3 months...
...but for every move and stage in your life... and for every country you visit in the future! Because...
You get to Take Everything You Learn About Smart Tax Strategies With You Forever!
And look, the mistake most people make when it comes to their tax strategy is they think if they just outsource to someone who “knows what they’re doing” that their tax savings are guaranteed to magically be maximized for them. But let me ask you…
If you don’t know what to do or look for when it comes to designing and executing your own tax strategy - how will you know if what someone gives back to you is actually going to work?
Sure, you can test it out. But after you spend the $15,000 for your tax lawyer in each different country, wouldn’t it be safer and smarter to simply learn how to do it yourself- at a fraction of the cost?
So that leads me to how much the investment is to get your hands on this system…
If you wanted to work with me on a 1:1 VIP level, you would need to invest in my $12,000 Signature Service.
And you’re about to learn what I’ve taught them about smart tax strategies... without the big price tag!
Global Tax Strategy Design is a $1,497 investment. At that price, it’s a no-brainer. Why? Because if you implemented just a FEW of my tweaks and changes, you can easily recoup your investment by saving thousands in taxes!
"It's Real Insider Knowledge And Not Just What You Do On A Google Search. It's Knowledge Accumulated from Real People's Experience, So That's Invaluable!"
CJ Visser, CEO Bluebird Development

And Because I always over deliver, I’ve Got More For YA:
When You Enroll You’ll Get
(Valued at $14,500)
Designed to Speed Up & Simplify Your
Tax Strategy Design Process!
Checklist: 'How to get rid of Your Home Country's Tax Residency'

Imagine just how much easier it will be to design your tax strategy when you simply need to tick off the box! With this powerful resource, I’ve taken the process apart to make it more simple for you!
E-book: 'Tax Residencies in Digital Nomad Hubs'

Our team has collected tax residency rules from popular Digital Nomad destinations and we've put them together in an E-book so you can save HOURS of research. We've also included tax residency schemes such as the NHR program in Portugal, Maltese tax residence under a 183-day stay, and much more. There are +30 countries for you to choose from!!
Bonus #3
VIP ACCESS to the Tax Strategy Vault!

I don’t need to remind you that having a bunch of proven tax strategy examples will only help give you clarity and copy ideas for creating your own strategy, right? That’s why I’ve included eight tax strategies from real entrepreneurs like you in several different stages along their business journey to swipe for your own tax strategy.
Powerful E-mail Templates to Get You Started!

We already know that there are things you WANT to say... but sometimes you just don’t know how to say them... or maybe you don't even know what the right question looks like. In this bonus gift, you’ll get my copy and paste E-mail templates designed to help you initiate discussions and ask the right questions to accountants, offshore providers, and tax lawyers.
VIP Referral to my Professional Network!

Finally! Be instantly connected with Professionals who know their S**t!
What about filing my tax returns and annual report obligations? Well... this is exactly why you're getting access to my entire Professional Network. Need an accountant in Singapore? Or a UK accountant? Or even a lawyer in Peru? I've got you covered.
Instant Access to our Private Facebook Community!

Have any course-related questions? You'll also get instant access to our amazing Global Tax Strategy Design Facebook Community for continued support along your entrepreneurial journey.
When you join Global Tax Strategy Design, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to BUILD the best freaking Tax Strategy You've Ever Made! Including...

- The 4 Essential Fundamental Pillars every online business owner needs to build their smartest tax strategy yet!
- Templates, Exercises & Examples for each step of your tax strategy creation!
- Access to my Professional Network of Accountants, Lawyers, and Offshore Providers!
- Examples of past tax strategies that I've personally designed to help you create your own.
- Checklists to make this whole process as easy as possible for you.
- Powerful E-mail Templates so you know what to ask your accountant.
- Private Facebook Group Access for continued support along your entrepreneurial journey.
And much, much more!
This makes everything you get well over $14,500 in value! ($14,588 to be exact!) And you can get it all for just $599 today!
"If you're looking to optimize your tax or maybe just find a global setup that works for you without you having to worry about compliance then Kathy is definitely the right person for you."
Petra Botekova, YouTube Strategist

“Absolutely awesome experience with Kathleen! She is incredibly knowledgeable and she had all the answers to every question I had. She was able to give some outstanding insight into my needs, a best plan of action forward and helped me to join dots I didn't even know existed. Super approachable, and really easy to work with. Highly highly recommend!”
Online Course Expert
So Now It's Time for You to Make One of Two Choices...
If you already have the best tax strategy that is saving you thousands each year... you don’t need this training... you need to be celebrating!
But, if you currently don’t have a tax strategy or the one you have isn’t doing what it's supposed to be doing (saving you thousands), then your options are simple:
You can choose to do nothing... and then of course nothing changes. The problem just becomes worse.
OR you can choose to be 100% Committed to doing something about it.
If you choose the latter, then now is your time to get signed up, get started, and start saving thousands in taxes.
But CHOOSE Quickly!
Global Tax Strategy Design is available at this price for a few short days only which means you will never be able to get your hands on this course at such a low offer. There has never been a better time than Right Now to get started!
But if you put this off, what will change? Don’t wait! You can get started today!
Join Now & Create The Smartest Global Tax Strategy Your Business Deserves!

In CASE There's Anything I Missed, Here are SoME Commonly Asked Questions!
What makes the testimonials I have seen so successful?
If I’m just getting started in my entrepreneurial journey, is this course good for me?
Tax concepts are very foreign to me, will this course still help me?
I’m from (insert your nationality here), is this course for me?
What can I expect when I enroll in Global Tax Strategy Design?
How much time will it take to complete this course?
If I don’t like the course, can I get a refund?
How long will I have access to this course?

© Global Tax Strategy Design 2021. All Rights Reserved.